I'm starting this blog to try and enable fellow students make that loan money go a little further. By cooking your own food you not only get to eat better for your money but can control what goes into the stuff you put in your mouth and that temple of a body. I'm studying food and nutrition at MMU and want to try and inspire more kitchen adventures! The more you try, the more confident you become and the more pleasure you find in food. Bring back a taste of sunshine with this indulgent, luxurious tasting flapjack.
To make 4 large flapjacks,
100g porridge oats
50g marg/butter
50g brown sugar
100g dried fruit, I like 50/50 chopped apricots and figs
2 dessert spoons of honey or golden syrup
Mix everything together well and press into either 4 well greased individual tins or 1 sandwich tin.
Well greased is the important part of that sentence and also press well down. Cook for approx 15 minutes at 180 degree.
Delicious alone or with yoghurt!!
These will keep for up to a week in an airtight tin/plastic tub, if you can resist!!!